I started on a journey that has led me to not only begin this radio program, but to also conduct extensive research on new, potentially life-altering, technologies; start several businesses, begin conducting seminars and, in short, rededicate my life. I’ve learned the art of asking questions, primarily…“WHY?” and its sibling inquiry…”WHY NOT?”

Can we all practice personalized medicine?

Can we direct and influence the path of our health and quality of life as we age? Do other seniors, like my mom and dad, and ME, desire to live independently in our own homes? Do we know why people deteriorate, lose health, experience degenerative conditions; and, can we prevent them? If not…WHY NOT? Other things to think about – What is the cost to the families, and to society, to pay for and manage the financial realities of these conditions? What can we do to prevent them in the first place? Are there financially or socially feasible solutions? And if so, what is the best plan of action? Should we be investing in cutting-edge, pro-active, technologies that can prevent, or reduce, the costs and human suffering associated with managing any particular condition?

This program and my new passion in life are the direct results of my experience with my parents and my research. I have since become a strong proponent of what I call “Pro-Aging™” technologies versus “anti-aging.” I want to encourage everyone, especially Baby Boomers like myself, to join me in a new revolution. We revolted against the establishment in the 60s. Against what we generically referred to as: “The Man.” We saw our society as flawed and imperfect.

We wanted change, and we wanted it…NOW. Well, guys, that was 50+ years ago. Now, we are “The Man.” We are the establishment. Yet, I believe it is time to revolt again. This time it is not against the external establishment. This time it’s an individual, personal, revolution: what I call a “Revolution for Evolution.”